Welcome to our site for sharing memories and thoughts about Fred Pecker, whom we lost on December 20, 2018. Many friends, relatives, loved ones, colleagues, and compañeros have written beautiful words about Fred. Let’s continue that writing here (as an alternative to Facebook, which has some unpleasant practices around our privacy or lack thereof). Fred Pecker, presente!
With love and solidarity,
Susan Solomon (Sue, Fred’s wife)
So sorry to hear about your loss Susan. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Janet Nedeau
All I knew of your husband Fred was his chocolate contributions to our meetings. Just that little tip of the Fred iceberg was amazing for us as we discussed our many union plans and issues. I know the strength that Susan and Fred shared in common. I am grateful for your leadership Susan as well as the joy and role models you and Fred shared as we remember him and will continue to celebrate his presence.
Fred. I did not see you often, but every memory is a prize. Christmas eve this year had a heaviness to it. Fred and Sue could not be there and the reason was heartbreaking.
Of all the memories, it was his sly smile after a quick witted remark that I will remember most.
I have written and deleted so many words over the last few minutes because they sound so inadequate to my feelings. I have no words to truly honor Fred. All seem insufficient to describe who he was.
Thinking of Fred brings up barbecues, Christmas Eve, my parents, my sister and family, Sue, Hershel, Naomi, Ruth, Leroy, and so many others. He had a profound affect on me and I doubt he ever knew. My respect for him abounds. This extends to you, Sue, as your partnership as a couple is so intertwined for me.
Fred, you did good. Your goodness and good works will help this world for long times to come. Thank you.
Fred somehow managed to do the toughest, best work for social justice infused always with heart and love, food and jokes and jazz. Truly a man of integrity and compassion. I feel such sadness for the Solomon-Pecker clan, and so so much love.
Humble funny righteous freedom fighter soulfull kind coregous lover of music and family friends and life
A honor to have know Fred
With love to all the family and especially to you Susan who continues the righteous fight
My memories of Fred(dy) go back to before I have memories. He was one of my oldest friends, a beautiful person. When we were little we played superman and jumped from couches. Who knew he would grow up to fight for good against evil his whole life.
We passed notes in 5th grade, listened to music in high school and mostly lost touch afterwards. Still – he is there.
Sending my sincerest love to you Sue –
I have been to many demonstrations in my long career as a teacher and activist for the United Educators of San Francisco. These marches often occurred at the end of a long day or a long week of teaching. Although the teachers who marched were very passionate and their beliefs were strong, after teaching so many hours, we were tired and our voices were a bit thin.
Until Fred Pecker arrived. He had a strong, booming voice, and knew every chant that was ever written. Even without a megaphone, his chanting could be heard from a long way off. Hearing Fred’s voice inspired us, lifted our spirits and strengthened our collective voice. We felt lifted up by his powerful voice and passion for our cause.
We will miss you, Fred, but your strong voice for social justice remains in our hearts.
Will be back but sending my deepest love to you all.
I remember after I lost my second run for College Board (which btw, I’m so grateful to have always had you and Fred in my corner for those two years). I saw you two at Linda Plack’s party for Dennis when he retired.
Fred asked me if I was going to give it another go and I said no, because I just felt tired and broken. He asked me, “So then what are your plans?” I told him that I was going to focus on my Citizens Advisory Committee work. He said, “Good! That’s where the rubber meets the road. People don’t realize that. It’s important work and we need good people fighting for transparency.” I told him that I was considering applying for Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute and he said that it was a great organization.
That conversation really meant everything to me.
I love you both so very much.
I just want to thank him again for babysitting my son Valentino. He took him to the playground while I attended one of my first union meetings. My son was lucky to have spent this time with a kind, gentle giant.
Susan, I am glad I came across this place to remember Fred and to tell you how very sorry I am for your loss. I came to know him from Alameda Labor Council rallies and events, mainly, and from his help letting the Block by Block Organizing Network use the ILWU Hall.
He always had a warm greeting, a joke, a brief hug. Once we greeted each other at a BBBON event with a hug. The host asked how we knew each other, and Fred responded without missing a beat: “We’re brother and sister.” That’s the amazing Union solidarity he fostered. It seemed he never missed a demonstration, rally, or union social event.
I will never forget Brother Fred.
I met Fred the same day as Sue — back in 1966. There are more than a couple of memories, but I’ll share one that’s been on replay in my mind since last month.
My daughter was born at 1:00 in the afternoon, and the family dropped by the hospital that afternoon to welcome her. Fred was the last one. I remember that it was dark outside, probably because Fred had already worked a long day. He spent a long time visiting and admired every little detail about his new niece. He held her for a long time. I have this mental image of Fred standing in the room holding this little tiny baby and being completely content. As a new mom, it meant the world to me that my daughter was already so loved.
A lot of folks know Fred as “Brother Fred”. He was a brother to me, but that was day to me he became “Uncle Fred”.
Much love to Susie, Herschel, Naomi, Courtney, and Brad.
I’m so sad Fred passed away so young. I knew him from my first teaching job at Head Start when he tried to organize us. My best memories of him are talking about music. I remember going to see Charlie Musselwhite with him at the Saloon and having a great time.. I also remember playfully sparring with him at the Head Start center on 5th Street and whacking each other in the head. Oh to be young……Condolences to Susan and Fred’s family.
Hi, Mark,
Thanks for writing. I’ve been trying to remember your last name because I know that you and I moved on to SFUSD and UESF.
One thing I’d add: Fred didn’t just try to organize us into a union– it was a successful union drive. But Fred would never say he did it, because we, the workers, did it together.
In unity,
Fred Pecker was the best friend a man could have.
Thinking of Fred on an early Sunday morning.
Here is a great song titled Old Friends by Guy Clark via Steve Earle and Guy Clark’s friends including Emmylou Harris, Rodney Crowell, Jerry Jeff Walker…: https://youtu.be/kOPmKIJhhDY
Love you Fred